Monday, April 2, 2012

"Why would anyone wanna be a teacher?"

A question that has been asked to me many a time is, "Why would anyone wanna be a teacher?" And for the longest time, I didn't even know why I wanted to be a teacher. I knew there was something about it that was appealing, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I had always wanted to be a teacher, but what about it made me want to do it for the rest of my life

This past week, I've come to a conclusion. Now, it might sound silly to some, and false to others, and simple to most, but at least for me it's true. Why do I want to teach? I want to be part of something bigger than myself. I want to help change lives. I want to aid in the education of the youth of our nation. I know, I know, cheesy, right? But think about it. Why would teachers put up with students mocking them, calling them names, back-talking, bantering, inappropriate actions and words, harmful statements, bickering, fights, the laughing, the taunting, the jeering, and the other crap that they have to deal with on a day-to-day basis? Because they care. Plain and simple. 

No gimmicks, no catch. They care. They want you to succeed and they want to be a tiny part of it. They get enjoyment out of seeing you succeed. I think that when a teacher sees a student succeed at something they've been struggling with, it makes up for all the other stuff they have to deal with. 

Think about it. Have you ever taught someone how to do something? Have you taught your mom how to use her phone? Have you taught a friend how to do a math problem? Have you taught your sibling how to beat level 8 on Super Mario before? Now, think about how it made you feel. For me, when I teach someone how to do something, it's the same as serving them. Have you ever served someone and you knew that you benefited more from the experience than the person you served? It felt GOOD to serve them, didn't it? 

When I see people I've taught succeeding, it makes up for all the rough times we've gone through. My life has been changed by so many of my teachers. Teachers change, shape, and mold us into extraordinary members of society. They give us the foundation we need to build our lives upon. They help us to become well-rounded individuals. Teachers change lives. They are some of the hardest working people I know, and I hope that one day I will become even close to what they are.  I want to change lives, and more importantly, I want the students that I teach to succeed. I want to be the teacher that they need, the teacher that they trust, the teacher that has sympathy for them. I want to be the teacher that, when my students need some to talk to, then they can come to me with anything.

So, why do I wanna be a teacher? Because I care. Because my life has been changed by countless others, and I want my chance to make a difference. If you're one of my teachers, or you've simply taught me something...ever, and you're reading this, know that you have changed my life for the better. I owe it all to you.